3 programs for saving saves from games

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
3 programs for saving saves from games

Saves in games are so important that sometimes you need to save the save themselves. If the system crashes, when moving, when saving saves and other non-insurance events, these three programs will save you.

Saves in games are so important that sometimes you need to save the save themselves. If the system crashes, when moving, when saving saves and other non-insurance events, these three programs will save you.

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Game backup monitor

Game backup monitor

Game Backup Monitor is available on Windows and Linux. The utility automatically detects the game you are currently playing. When you are finished playing, Game Backup Monitor will automatically backup all saves as a 7-zip archive.

The utility supports not only regular games, but also games running in emulators like DOSBox, ScummVM or Wine.

Download Game Backup Monitor

GameSave Manager

GameSave Manager

With GameSave Manager, you can easily backup, restore or transfer saves. The program has a built-in list of supported games, so there is a small chance that your game is not supported.

GameSave Manager is available for Windows and does not require installation.

Download GameSave Manager



The domain of this utility is no longer available, so you should not count on development support. On the other hand

SaveGameBackup.net is a portable utility for Windows that will help save and restore saves. The program has a list of supported games, but you can independently specify a folder with saves.

Download SaveGameBackup.net

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