Best carving knife Chisels Kits made by BeaverCraft

Wood carving is a unique craft that helps craftsmen to create both large creations (garden benches, handrails, tables) and smaller interior items (such as candlesticks or figurines). To make these things you need not only artistic talent, but also special tools. So today I want to talk about one of the most important tools for wood carving - a  wood carving knife.
Chisels Kits made by BeaverCraft

Any knife, for wood carving or just a kitchen knife, must have a spout, butt, heel, shank and handle. These features make it easy to distinguish knives from other tools. The following knives are used in wood carving:

  • cutters, which come in different shapes and sizes, but which all have a cutting angle of exactly thirty-five degrees. The cutter is the most important tool among knives, and probably among all other tools. Every carver has their favorite cutter.
  • jambs, which are used in flat-relief carving for cutting long straight lines, for rounding the contour and for finishing the side walls of the grooves. The main feature of the jambs - a cutting angle of sixty degrees.
  • auxiliary knives for final finishing of curved surfaces in three-dimensional thread and for cut-out thread.

Wood Carving Bench Knife

Personally, I prefer this knife from BeaverCraft. It is made of quality materials and is very comfortable. It is really suitable for various carving projects. It's my best carving knife.

If you have been looking for an inexpensive woodworking tool, then the BeaverCraft wood carving cutters will appeal to you. Comfortable knife handles fit in any hand. All tools are made of durable high quality carbon steel, hardened, well sharpened and ready to go. BeaverCraft tools are suitable for soft and hard woods.

Since one of the reasons for us to create our own manufacturing was the lack of affordable quality instruments on the markets, we’ve made it our goal to leave the carving tools price reasonable for all customers.

We’re not restricted in terms of the purpose for our instruments too. There are tools for carving round shapes – spoons, cups, bowls, even kuksa carving, the usual carving knives and kits for the general carving, chip carving knives too. Choose what you need.

All in all, we’d like to say that nothing will stop us from staying creative and creating new great things for you. Do you need your Australia wood tools? Ireland woodcarving knives? Germany carving tools? We’re here for you, guys. Welcome!

You will not regret it, trust me!