How to automatically choose the best Wi-Fi network on Windows

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
How to automatically choose the best Wi-Fi network on Windows

Wifinian activates the display of the Wi-Fi signal quality as a percentage and allows you to automatically switch between networks.

I have two Wi-Fi networks at home and when moving between rooms, one of them gradually turns out to be a little slower. In this case, automatic switching to a more stable network helps me.

Wifinian activates the display of the Wi-Fi signal quality as a percentage and allows you to automatically switch between networks.

The setup is very simple. Each network has two options: Auto Connect and Auto Switch.

Install Auto Connect for all networks that you want to automatically connect to. Auto Switch for all networks to switch to.

At the top, the Rush parameter means the frequency in seconds of scanning networks. Engage is responsible for the signal strength in percentage at which automatic switching occurs.

In addition to these settings, each network displays its name, connection quality in percent, used network equipment and connection type.

The list of Wi-Fi networks can be sorted or renamed. The sort order determines their priority when switching.


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