How to choose a database or a metadata management tool for your project

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
How to choose a database or a metadata management tool for your project

DBMS Tools service is a data catalog software, where you can select a suitable database for your project using convenient filters.

It doesn’t matter how fond are you of certain tools. The fact is that each tool is good for performing tasks under particular conditions. If you are capable of switching quickly and finding the right solution, your project will outperform a competitors’ one. Such tools may include a database or a metadata management utility.

DBMS Tools service is a data catalog software, where you can select a suitable database for your project using convenient filters.

You are welcome to use 48 popular databases from SQL Server to Vertica, as well as a set of a dozen filters for easy navigation.

In the left part of the website, you can specify the database requirements, such as export options, free edition availability, and automated cataloging. The right part will display databases that suit the filters.

For each database, the following information is displayed: its name, a link to the developer’s website, a short description, a list of functions, and interface screenshots.

In fact, in DBMS Tools you can use the same method for choosing not only databases but a variety of other tools as well. For example, metadata management tools comparison is all you need for that is to unfold the categories menu and select the one you need.

It doesn’t anyhow change approach to working with the service, but for the filers now showing requirements suitable for the selected category.

Thus, using DBMS Tools you can promptly compare popular databases, metadata management utilities, business glossaries, and a variety of other tools at your requirements and choose the most suitable one.

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