How to compare the quality of building a route between maps

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
How to compare the quality of building a route between maps

We often use various navigation services. But how can you be sure that Google Maps really does route better than Apple? Or vice versa.

We often use various navigation services. But how can you be sure that Google Maps really does route better than Apple? Or vice versa.

SuperRoute will help you compare the quality of building a route between Google, Apple, MapQuest, Mapbox, HERE, Esri, AzureMaps, openrouteservice.

To compare routes, you just need to go to the service website and enter the addresses of the origin and destination. Then a map with routes and information about their quality will be displayed.

The comparison includes the length of the journey, the duration when departing now, and the historical average duration.


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