How to Conveniently Manage Your Class Schedule

When I was in school, my French teacher scolded me for doing my homework on a computer—she thought I was just showing off. But today, kids have digital diaries, disposable vapes, and AirPods in their ears.

Now, you can manage your class schedule directly from your smartphone, and the Weekly Timetable app makes it easy.

Getting Started

Before using the app, you need to choose how often your schedule repeats: every week or a different schedule each week. If you select a weekly repeat, your schedule will automatically carry over. Otherwise, you’ll need to fill it in manually each week.

Creating a Class

When adding a class, you can either choose a subject from the preset list or enter it manually. You can also specify the location, start and end times, reminders, teacher’s name, class type, color coding, and additional notes.

Homework Tab

Another useful feature is the homework tab, where you can log assignments along with their due dates, reminders, attachments, and notes.

Enjoy managing your schedule with Weekly Timetable!