Presentify is an app for screen annotations during calls and screencasts. It allows you to draw, highlight the cursor, and manage content. Price — $6.99.
During calls, a mouse cursor is often not enough to point out the necessary elements on your screen. Unfortunately, not all video conferencing apps have a built-in annotation feature. In such cases, third-party solutions can help.
Presentify is one such solution. Once installed, you can add various annotations, notes, and other elements directly on your screen during a screencast, call, or anytime you need.
After launching the utility, you will find an icon in the menu bar, where you can choose one of four highlighting modes. You can also switch between them using hotkeys.

• Annotate Screen activates a toolbar at the top of the screen for adding annotations. You can select a drawing tool (curve, arrow, rectangle, circle, text), choose a color, and mark the necessary areas.

• Colors can be mixed, and if you want to change the default color set, you can do so in the Presentify settings.
• Annotate Without Controls does the same thing, but the toolbar is not displayed. Instead, the last used tool from the previous menu remains active. However, switching between tools in this mode is unclear.
• Interactive Mode allows you to both annotate and interact with your screen’s content. Normally, you can move windows and click buttons, but by holding Fn, you can start drawing.
• Highlight Cursor simply adds extra highlighting around your cursor.

There’s no free trial for Presentify, so you’ll have to pay $6.99 upfront. However, it’s a one-time purchase, and SetApp users can download it for free.