How to find sharing statistics for any article

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
How to find sharing statistics for any article

If you want to know where and how often your posts are shared or are you just curious and want to spy on the competitor, you'll appreciate CrowdTangle Link Checker.

If you want to know where and how often your posts are shared or are you just curious and want to spy on the competitor, you'll appreciate CrowdTangle Link Checker.

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CrowdTangle Link Checker will help to know sharing statistics of  any article.

When you click on the extension it automatically searches for interaction with the link and information about who and what network she shared.

Section Facebook Interactions requesting data of all the posts on Facebook that contain a link to the current page. The first number shows the total amount of interactions: reactions, comments, sharing. The statistics include even the closed positions.

Top Referrals shows the number of public posts with the link on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Instagram. Here is displayed the number of publications and interactions, as well as the number of subscribers. Below you can see the publications themselves.

All statistics can be downloaded.


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