How to highlight the important in the user agreement

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
How to highlight the important in the user agreement

When registering, any site requires you to accept user agreement. But who reads them? And is there any sense in this? After all, your girlfriend is on Facebook and you have to register.

When registering, any site requires you to accept user agreement. But who reads them? And is there any sense in this? After all, your girlfriend is on Facebook and you have to register.

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But if you still want to quickly understand ToS, then there is a way to read the most important points of such agreements.

Terms of Service; Didn't Read - helps to identify the main parts of user agreements with corresponding notes.

In a separate section of the site, you can find a complete list of supported services, of which there are about a hundred. Of the interesting things we have: Google, YouTube, Amazon, Twitter, GitHub, Facebook and many others.


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