If you are in a place where the internet is extremely slow, you might encounter an issue where the page reports a timeout.
If you are in a place where the internet is extremely slow, you might encounter an issue where the page reports a timeout. As a result, you end up with a blank page, even though if you waited a bit longer, the site would have loaded completely.
You can try to solve this problem by increasing the timeout period in Firefox settings. To do this, go to the about:config
page in the address bar and agree to make changes.

Next, you need to find and change the values of two parameters to more suitable ones.
(default is 90 seconds) - Increase this value to extend the connection waiting time.network.http.response.timeout
(default is 300 seconds) - Increase this value to extend the response waiting time.

After these settings are changed, you can continue browsing the web without interruptions.