How to listen to all the music from a specific label

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
How to listen to all the music from a specific label

I love finding new music and discovering new artists. At the same time, some music labels are so good that you want to listen to their entire collection.

I love finding new music and discovering new artists. At the same time, some music labels are so good that you want to listen to their entire collection.

LISTENBYLABEL helps you listen to music from a specific label on Spotify and other music services.

When you go to the site, you can use the search or choose one of the most popular music labels.

Found labels can be saved to favorites, create your own collections or play queue.

When you switch to the label itself, you can view all the published tracks by year. From here, you can activate tracking of new releases or turn on the radio for similar tracks.

You can also switch to display by artist.

Clicking on a track opens the album art and playlist in Spotify. However, you can open it in Apple Music or the Spotify desktop app.


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