Must-have iOS apps for February 2020

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
Must-have iOS apps for February 2020

Monthly collection of apps for iOS from my telegram channel for February 2020. Here you will find a brief description of useful applications for your favorite Apple smartphone.

Monthly collection of apps for iOS from my telegram channel for February 2020. Here you will find a brief description of useful applications for your favorite Apple smartphone.

In today's selection:

  • DoubleTake (record from all iPhone cameras at the same time)
  • Ulysses (note app)
  • Phone Call Translator (voice call translation)
  • Fammle (family task planner)


DoubleTake helps you record video from all iPhone cameras at the same time.

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Ulysses is an application for macOS and iOS that supports markdown markup, and allows you to store all information in a convenient structured directory and synchronization between devices.


Phone Call Translator

Phone Call Translator helps you translate voice calls between 29 languages ​​in real time. You can call another country and speak with the subscriber in Russian, and he will hear his own speech. And vice versa.



Fammle is a mobile family planning application with support for chat, shopping list and more.

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