OpenIn will help you open links the way you like

Often, links open in the wrong browser or application in which we are comfortable at the moment. It seems to be okay, but a little annoying.

With the macOS OpenIn app you can customize the opening of links in the app you want. You can also customize the opening depending on the source of the link.

Working with the utility

When you first start, OpenIn offers a little self-help training to get you up to speed quickly.

Then I recommend going to the utility settings because this is where all the magic happens. Three types of links are supported by default: browser, email applications and dialers.

To configure, you need to select the appropriate type and in the Add app section, select indicate the application that should open it.

On the Rules tab, you can select the rule that will trigger this redirection.

You can specify a match by the domain or application-source of the link, using a specific hotkey, and much more.

On the Shorteners tab, you can activate the automatic expanding of short links.

Similar access settings for other types of links. And in the File types section, you can configure the opening of certain file types in the application you need. Here you can also set rules, but based on the path to the file.