ReceiptCamp Review. So-so option for storing receipts

I've never had a need to keep a receipt for anything. But if you are looking for a way to digitalize this information, then today I will tell you about one such application.

ReceiptCamp is a free mobile application for storing receipts with the ability to categorize and search for them.

There aren't many features in the app. By clicking on the plus sign, you can add a receipt file, take a photo or scan it.

Here you can create folders to store them. But I’ll warn you right away that folder names cannot be written in Cyrillic. But the Cyrillic names of receipts for ReceiptCamp did not turn out to be a problem.

You can search by names of folders and receipts, but only if the name is in Latin. If you can find the receipt, you can view it, rename it, search it, or download it in PDF format.

Of course, anyone can criticize a free application for its accessible set of features. Therefore, I will not do this.

If you thought the opportunities provided were sufficient, then I will be very happy for you.