Qoob Stories Review. Cool tool for viewing and downloading Stories and posts from Instagram

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
Qoob Stories Review. Cool tool for viewing and downloading Stories and posts from Instagram

Qoob Stories - Windows and macOS application for viewing and downloading stories, videos and photos from Instagram. Open and closed accounts are supported.

There are so many different and interesting content on Instagram that you want to keep to yourself locally and always admire it. There are many tools for downloading posts and stories, but I'll tell you about my favorite.

Qoob Stories - Windows and macOS application for viewing and downloading stories, videos and photos from Instagram. Open and closed accounts are supported.

How the app works

Qoob Stories answers this question remarkably right at launch. In the main window you will find a clear and visual acquaintance in Russian, where you will be told about all the possibilities.

After reviewing, a search bar will open, where you need to enter the username of the Instagram account, hashtag or location, the data for which needs to be downloaded. Or you can provide a direct link to the content you want.

There are useful tools for Instagram creators and enthusiast too. For example, you can earn money and likes, followers on Instagram TikTok, Twitter with help of https://getlike.io/en/ service. Just try it and see for yourself.

Qoob Stories features

When you add an account to the search, the application will immediately display all its posts and stories, and also automatically upload them to the application folder. Therefore, you no longer need to do anything.

View and download Instagram stories

You can view and download stories from both open and closed accounts. If the account is public, then you can view stories anonymously.

Automatic download of new content

After adding an account, future posts and stories will be automatically downloaded to your computer.

Uploading photos and videos

Posts with video or photos will be loaded in the highest quality, including all available metadata: account name, hashtags and geolocation.

Selecting data to download

When you first add an account in the download settings, you can choose what information you want to download and for what period.

Saving descriptions from posts

The text of the downloaded post is saved in the file meta description and is available for viewing inside Qoob Stories or using third-party applications.

Backup your Instagram account

You can add your Instagram account to the app and automatically back up all your posts to your computer.

Saving Instagram Collections

Posts that you add to favorites can be automatically downloaded by Qoob Stories to your computer for further offline viewing.

Saving posts you are tagged in

Likewise, you can save any posts where you have been tagged. Qoob Stories will take care of this automatically.


You can try Qoob Stories for free if you are satisfied with the limit of 200 downloads per day and a maximum of two accounts.

The $ 7 Personal plan lets you keep track of ten accounts with no download limit.

The $ 25 Professional plan removes all restrictions.

As I wrote in the beginning, there are many ways to download content from Instagram. But they have disadvantages in the form of the need to manually download each post, the presence of ads or strange installers, and much more.

You won't be able to use Qoob Stories fully on a free plan. However, if we are talking specifically about automatic bulk uploads on a regular basis and usability, then the cost of $ 7 seems very good.

Try Qoob Stories

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