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Must-have web services for August 2019

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
Must-have web services for August 2019

The monthly selection of web services from my telegram channel for August 2019. Here you will find a brief description of useful services to solve various problems.

The monthly selection of web services from my telegram channel for August 2019. Here you will find a brief description of useful services to solve various problems.

This is autotranslated version of this post.

In today's selection:

  • ThinMusic (web player for the Apple Music)
  • Thread Reader (easier to read tweeter threads)
  • Orangedox (tracking files in Google Drive and Dropbox)
  • Calendar (to add statistics to a calendar app)
  • Throttle (alternative to Mailinator)



ThinMusic another web player with support for Apple Music, which will work in any browser.

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Thread Reader

Thread Reader

Tweets with a bunch of comments, discussions, replies and retweets very hard to read. So do yourself a favor and just feed a link to a topic in the Twitter to Thread Reader and get the digestible version with a beautiful layout.

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With Orangedox service you can create a public protected folder in Google Drive or Dropbox. Also, you choose which files and whom to give access to. Added to everything else, it shows which of the files was downloaded and by whom. A unique link and password are created for each participant too

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Calendar is the super cool add-on to Google/Outlook or Apple Calendar. With the help of this service, you will be able to more flexibly control all the existing features of your favorite calendar. And sprinkle the top with detailed Analytics.

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Throttle is the service to create random e-mail addresses that need to register on the websites, subscriptions to newsletters and the like.


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