Must-have web services for January 2020
The monthly selection of web services from my telegram channel for January 2020. Here you will find a brief description of useful services to solve various problems.
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In today's selection:
- Knowflow (mind-map)
- Keyboard Checker (check your keyboard)
- Databox (comfortable working with multiple accounts of Google Drive)
- Reports for Notion (interactive tables in the Notion)
- WiFox (map of Wi-Fi passwords at airports)
Knowflow can help to structure thoughts and come to a balanced decision. For example, it can be used to understand the problems of interaction of the team, noting all the conflicts, possible options for their solution and the desired effects. Knowflow also supports the import of from other services (including MindMeister, XMind and the Graph Exchange)
Keyboard Checker
Keyboard Checker website that will help to check all the keyboard keys for proper operation.
Databox allows you to work with Google Drive files from multiple accounts in one space without having to switch.
Reports for Notion
Reports for Notion will help to add interactive tables from Google Sheets, CSVS, JSONs, GitHub, Trello, and more right into your notes Notion.
WiFox is the app for Android, iOS and a custom Google Map where people share wifi passwords at airports around the world.