3 must have web services for July 2019

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
3 must have web services for July 2019

Monthly selection of web services from my telegram channel for July 2019. Here you will find a brief description of useful services to solve various problems.

Monthly selection of web services from my telegram channel for July 2019. Here you will find a brief description of useful services to solve various problems.

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In today's selection:

  • GiveMeSomeSpace (quick cleanup for Google Drive)
  • Draftable (compare PDF and MS Office files)
  • The Urlist (to create a public list of links)


GiveMeSomeSpace will help to clear the space in Google Drive.

The service can find the large Word-documents, clean up aborted downloads, find the heavy files and other trash.

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Draftable will help you to compare and find differences between Word documents, PowerPoint or PDF.

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The Urlist

The Urlist, a web service that helps to create public lists of links.

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