4 Google Chrome Extensions to Simplify Working with Links

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
4 Google Chrome Extensions to Simplify Working with Links
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I've been constantly annoyed by the way modern browsers handle links. Highlighting and copying link text is nearly impossible. In search of a solution to this problem, I found four extensions.

At one point, my primary browser was Opera (back when it was using the Presto engine). However, when it became just another clone of Google Chrome, I decided to switch to Google's browser. Since then, I've been constantly annoyed by the way modern browsers handle links. Highlighting and copying link text is nearly impossible. In search of a solution to this problem, I found four extensions.

If you need to highlight a portion of text within a link, the browser usually assumes you want to drag the link. To start highlighting, you need to press the Alt key. With this extension, there's no need to press extra buttons.

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Sometimes, websites contain non-clickable links because the author forgot to add the actual hyperlink to the text. This extension makes such "links" clickable. You can test it yourself: https://blog.themarfa.name/kak-zapuskat-ighry-i-prilozhieniia-s-oghranichieniiem-po-gpu/.

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If you need to copy the text of a link instead of the link itself, this extension solves that problem.

Copy URL with Title (plain text/markdown)


I have a somewhat specific issue: I often need to copy both the text of a link and the link itself to send this information in a chat. This extension allows you to copy this information as plain text with Ctrl+C/Cmd+C or with Markdown formatting using Alt+C/Opt+C.

These extensions can greatly enhance your browsing experience, especially when dealing with links in Google Chrome.

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