How to install Google Chrome extension from smartphone to computer

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
How to install Google Chrome extension from smartphone to computer

Google Chrome supports the remote installation of extensions. If you still don't know how to use this feature, I will tell you how to configure everything.

Google Chrome supports the remote installation of extensions. If you still don't know how to use this feature, I will tell you how to configure everything.

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First, make sure that you logged in under the same Google account in Chrome on your computer and smartphone.

Then on the smartphone, open the extensions page in the browser. This can be done, for example, through search of extension. Then click Install on the computer.

After some time on the computer will appear a warning:

Предупреждение Chrome об удаленной установке расширения

Click to Enable the extension and that's it. The installation is completed.

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