Pin an app on top of other apps on Windows

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
Pin an app on top of other apps on Windows

Some applications are so important that you always want to keep them in view. In this case, the ability to pin application windows on top of other windows is perfect.

Some applications are so important that you always want to keep them in view. In this case, the ability to pin application windows on top of other windows is perfect.

PinMe! will help to pin any application or window on top of other windows.

In addition, the utility can also do other useful things:

  • pin / unpin windows;
  • change the transparency level of the window;
  • take a screenshot of a window or selected area;
  • take a screenshot of the desktop or background;
  • show data about an open application

All these actions are performed from the context menu of the utility.

PinMe! available for Windows 10 and does not require installation. It is enough to unpack the archive and run the .exe file.


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