Must-have Windows apps for Jan 2020

Konstantin Dokuchaev
Konstantin Dokuchaev
Must-have Windows apps for Jan 2020

Monthly collection of apps for Windows from my telegram channel. Here you can find a short description of some useful app for your favorite gadget.

Monthly collection of apps for Windows from my telegram channel. Here you can find a short description of some useful app for your favorite gadget.

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In today's selection:

  • AdGuard (ad blocker)
  • Twinkle Tray (control the brightness of multiple monitors)
  • MicMute (quick turning on/off the microphone)
  • Ivacy VPN (VPN)


AdGuard is a cross-platform program for blocking ads and tracking scripts fraudulent sites.


Twinkle Tray

Twinkle Tray allows to quickly change the brightness settings for multiple monitors.




MicMute will help you to enable/disable microphone by using a hotkey. Also there is a radio mode when the microphone only works while you hold down the key.


Ivacy VPN

Ivacy VPN is a cross-platform VPN service with servers in 250 regions of the world, improved protection when working on the network and you can use it on five devices.

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